Monday 22 December 2014

Dealing with an injured horse.......

Well, since Tess has that big ugly wound on her front leg, which I am waiting to heal. She is currently standing in the little paddock, without the other horses, she is very bored and has alot of energy. The vet instructed for her not to be left out in the paddock with the other horses before the wound is healed more, since it is too risky with all the mud and the wound needs time so it doesnt remain open.

I have been taking her out on the riding field, to burn off energy, but she seemed abit bored. Since she has been behaving very nicely, I last week decided to ride her in walk only, since she is not lame or seem to be bothered too much by the injury. This went fine, but she was abit "on her feet". A few days later, she wanted to trot abit under me, and I thought "why not, then she can burn off some more energy"- BAD IDEA. To say the least. I got the full rodeo experience and got thrown off quite forcefully, I then went in to get the rope and let her run around me a little, and then she did it again.... So I decided to listen to her, and give her some more time off. I dont know if it was just too much energy, or if maybe the injury bothered her somehow, but now she has had some more time off, and just been in the riding field to burn off energy on her own.

I tried walking her  by hand the other day, and then she decided she was the "new black stallion" standing on her behind legs with her front legs kicking in the air. Lets just say I was thinking "eeeh is THIS my horse?!" and "what the hell!". She was not my favorite horse in the world after these incidents.

Talked to the breeder, and she hasnt done these kind of "neat little tricks" before, but then again, this is the first time she has been injured. Which sucks, to say the least. But we are looking forward to the future, and hopefully she will return to her usual, sweet self, without anymore bucking, or black stallion moves :)

(Tess being annoyed im taking pictures)

(She can look cute again though)

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